The most powerful visualization exercise | This Works!

Nov 10, 2020

This technique will change the way you manifest! If you have ever tried (and struggled) to visualize, then this video is for you. Learn exactly how to visualize- even if it's never worked for you before with this powerful exercise and technique.

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What To Do When You Feel Stuck...

May 01, 2018

I want to share with you a BIG reason as to why you feel like no matter how hard you try, you can't manifest certain things or situations.

You may feel like the odds are against you, or that circumstances just aren't in your favor, but what it really all comes down to is YOU.

Everything in your life, everything you want, everything you experience is all designed to create contrast.  Great things happen, and you want more of it, and bad things happen and you realize you want more great things. 

Without this contrast you would never be able to decide what you actually want.

All of the negative or unsatisfactory things you've experienced in your life have caused you to expand and realize what you DO want.

How would you know you didn't like carrots if you didn't have the experience of trying them first?  

Think of life like a buffet.  There are endless choices and possibilities to try out, and decide what you do and don't like, and what you do or don't want.

The trick is to ...

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When And How To Trust Your Intuition

Mar 15, 2018

Have you ever felt like you were being led to a specific place or person?

Have you ever had a bad feeling about something, and it turned out to be right?

Have you ever been extremely uncomfortable with someone or a certain place for no apparent reason?

Have you ever felt a strong impulse to make a certain move?

That small feeling in the pit of your stomach is your intuition, and it’s always trying to communicate with you. 

 We are always being led but a lot of the time were just not listening!

How can we expect to manifest anything or get the sign we want from the universe, when we’re constantly ignoring this amazing guidance system within us?

Think of your intuition as a small piece of the universe that’s within you.  Your intuition knows your desires, wants, and needs, and helps you make decisions or take actions.  It’s your small internal guidance system that helps you navigate the confusing and chaotic flow of life!

Your intuition is very different than your brain.  You...

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Getting What You Want In Business and In Life

Mar 09, 2018

Finding that balance between work and having a personal life is tricky. 

Especially as women, most of us play so many roles: wife, daughter, sister, mother, friend, girlfriend, and so many other titles! 

There doesn’t have to be a divide, you can have it all and find a balance when you shift your mindset.

How many times have you heard that Einstein quote:

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?”

Have you ever taken the moment to reflect and think about if that quote applies to you?

I’ll be honest, I have been guilty of repeating the same thing over and over again, because I am what you would consider a stubborn and determined person.

I’ve been guilty of that “my way or the highway” mindset, and while there’s nothing wrong with being a strong willed and determined person….you aren’t going to get the results or find the balance you want in your life or your business by repeatedly forcing things to happen.

In the pas...

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