Especially as women, most of us play so many roles: wife, daughter, sister, mother, friend, girlfriend, and so many other titles!
There doesn’t have to be a divide, you can have it all and find a balance when you shift your mindset.
How many times have you heard that Einstein quote:
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?”
Have you ever taken the moment to reflect and think about if that quote applies to you?
I’ll be honest, I have been guilty of repeating the same thing over and over again, because I am what you would consider a stubborn and determined person.
I’ve been guilty of that “my way or the highway” mindset, and while there’s nothing wrong with being a strong willed and determined person….you aren’t going to get the results or find the balance you want in your life or your business by repeatedly forcing things to happen.
The idea of a comfort zone to me has been shattered, and I refuse to allow myself to be too attached or too wrapped up in any outcome.
Coming from this place of freedom and allowing things to happen rather than forcing them has been a game changer.
It’s normal to want to protect yourself and stay safe…your brain is literally wired to resist change.
Unfortunately, the only way to live the way you want or have the business of your dreams, is to step outside of that comfort zone.
Invest in that coach, because whatever you are willing to invest in yourself will come back to you times ten!
No investment in yourself is ever wasted. An investment in yourself means you are willing to bet on yourself, which means you believe in yourself, and in turn whatever you want to create will happen in your reality.
Start that business….start now! Start before you’re ready.
You don’t need to have everything figured out….just start!
You live in an age where people are sharing TONS of free content and information, so start there!
Every entrepreneur started from the bottom….you have to start somewhere. It won’t happen overnight, but starting is the first hurdle.
Share that idea…who cares who is judging you?
Anyone that is judging a big idea you have in a negative way is likely ashamed that they don’t have big ideas to share.
We live in an age where ideas can become currency, and it’s such an exciting time to have these resources at our disposal.
Your life...everything in it…your partner, your business, your financial situation, everything….is all a result of what you are creating in your mind.
Are you struggling financially at a job you hate?
Change your mindset! Choose to change the story. Get clear and specific on your dream job, and how much money you want, and then take inspired action…it/s as simple as that! DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT!
Are you struggling with a partner and going through a rough patch in your relationship?
Start with your mindset and where you are at! It takes two people in a relationship, and it likely isn’t all them.
Take a moment and see if you are struggling with something and taking it out on them….are you bitter towards them for something out of there control…..are you unfairly holding them to an impossibly high standard?
Start with yourself and your mindset and you will see that everything in your life is a result of your thoughts.
Sit down and make a vision board and fill it with pictures that inspire you or pictures of the things you want out of life.
Not a vision board person? Make a list!
Sit and make a list of clear goals and a timeline of when you want them accomplished. You don’t need to know HOW you are going to get them, just make that list.
If you can give yourself at least 10 minutes a day to sit in silence and get in touch with yourself, you WILL be inspired to take action, and all of those things will happen as a result.
If you are interested in joining me for a one of a kind, personalized digital manifesting course, join me for Abundance Academy. For more info click here:
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