What To Do When You Feel Stuck...

May 01, 2018

I want to share with you a BIG reason as to why you feel like no matter how hard you try, you can't manifest certain things or situations.

You may feel like the odds are against you, or that circumstances just aren't in your favor, but what it really all comes down to is YOU.

Everything in your life, everything you want, everything you experience is all designed to create contrast.  Great things happen, and you want more of it, and bad things happen and you realize you want more great things. 

Without this contrast you would never be able to decide what you actually want.

All of the negative or unsatisfactory things you've experienced in your life have caused you to expand and realize what you DO want.

How would you know you didn't like carrots if you didn't have the experience of trying them first?  

Think of life like a buffet.  There are endless choices and possibilities to try out, and decide what you do and don't like, and what you do or don't want.

The trick is to tune into your feelings.  Your feelings are a direct indicator of how you are vibrationally matching what you want.

If you're feeling stuck, frustrated, afraid, etc....you are choosing not to align vibrationally with what you want.

If you are feeling joyful, happy, excited, etc....you are closing the gap and becoming a direct vibrational match.

Focus on every 'feel good', positive, feeling throughout your day...every minute, every hour, focusing on every satisfactory sensation. 

In doing this, you are directly attracting what it is you are trying to create.   

Here's to your abundance!


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