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A THREE part video training series to show you exactly what is holding you back from manifesting what you want, and the exact steps to fix it and create immediate shifts, guaranteed. Inside this training series, you will have all of the tools you need to manifest everything you want, every single time.  My decade of experience and transformation, put together, from me to you. 

 Click below to join now!


Abundance Academy

Reprogram your subconscious mind to manifest abundance on autopilot. 

Abundance Academy is a revolutionary program that dives deep into your belief system and subconscious mind, and shows you manifesting techniques tailored to you based on your learning type and personality. 

This is Mary Kate's signature course!



The Member’s Only Community where massive transformation happens.  Learn to breakthrough the blocks holding you back, and experience powerful, accelerated manifesting results. It’s the next best thing to working with me one on one.  Each month you gain access to exclusive programming meditations, Q+A’s with Mary Kate, workbooks, mantras, affirmations, and training videos, along with a private members only mastermind.  There is a special energy inside CREATE where miracles are expected and nothing is impossible.  Click below to join now!


One on One Coaching

Work with Mary Kate in her one on one private coaching.  Click below to find out more. 

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